If You Want A Say In Your Own Birth Process, Please Leave Now

Think you have a say in the birth of your child? Not at the Aspen Women's Center you don't! Check out TheUnnecesarean.com for more - and enter her hilarious contest spoofing this absurd sign.

Whose idea of customer service is this?  If you want one of those fancy "support people" while your birthing or have some newfangled idea that you’ll be making your own decisions about how you’d like to birth, well you can just turn that pretty little head of yours around and leave right now.

Thank god for The Unnecesarean.com calling travesties like this out in such a hilarious way.

Here’s the friendly message from the physicians at the Aspen Women’s Center to pregnant women:

And here’s just a sample of the spoofs on the sign that Jill at Unnecesarean.com is calling for (You can still enter the contest and win a copy of childbirth educator Penny Simkin’s book "The Birth Partner"):