Jen Boulanger
Jen Boulanger is the Executive Director of the Allentown Women’s Center, an independent reproductive health care and abortion clinic located in Northeast Pennsylvania. She began her career in the abortion field in 1994 and earned a Master of Education in Counseling and Human Services from Lehigh University in 1996. Jen was a founding board member of the Abortion Care Network and is the co-chairperson for the Pennsyvania Abortion Council. Jen has served as faculty at a number of national conferences for the Abortion Care Network, the National Abortion Federation, and the National Coalition of Abortion Providers. Jen has recently has become more publicly outspoken about the violence and harassment experienced by abortion providers and participated with the Center for Reproductive Rights project “Defending Human Rights: Abortion Providers Facing Threats, Restrictions, and Harassment.” Jen is currently working on a project with the Abortion Care Network called “Enough! Basta! Stop Sidewalk Bullying at Women’s Clinics”.