Herman Cain Abortion Position Still Befuddling
Abortion should be illegal, but a family can choose it anyway?

Businessman Herman Cain seems to be getting deeper into the dreck when it comes to his position on abortion, a strange thing since up to now he has been completely clear that abortion should never be allowed.
Given an open-ended chance to set the record straight, Cain once more seems stuck on “illegal” versus “personal choice.”
Via Politico:
Part of your 2004 Senate campaign focused on your stance against abortion, something you’ve struggled in recent days to articulate after an interview with Piers Morgan. What did you need to clarify in that interview?
A. I am pro-life from conception. Abortions, no exceptions. That has been my official stand from the beginning. What Piers Morgan was trying to do was to pigeonhole me on, “Well, what if this was your granddaughter?” You know what? If it’s my granddaughter? Yes, this is my official position, and it’s always been that. If it’s my granddaughter? I used the word “choice.” And that’s where they jumped all over it. A family will make that choice. I was not talking about the whole big issue.
But maybe his answer is clearer than everyone thinks. If a pro-choice person can believe that abortion should be legal and available, even though she would personally never have one, can’t an anti-choice person have the exact opposite stance? In other words, can’t you believe that abortion should be illegal but that if you personally need one, you can have one?
In fact, we may have just defined the position of the majority of anti-choice activists right there.