
Rick Scott, Rick Perry Both To Sign Ultrasound Bills

Florida and Texas both have mandatory ultrasound bills for their anti-choice governors to sign.

It’s almost pretty in its synchronicity.  Governor Rick Perry and Governor Rick Scott are both going to be presented with bill requiring all women to have ultrasounds prior to getting an abortion.

The Miami Herald reports:

With the passage of two bills by the Senate on Thursday, three antiabortion measures are now headed to Gov. Rick Scott. Among them is a bill requiring that women be offered the opportunity to see and hear a description of ultrasound images before undergoing an abortion.

Gov. Scott said he will sign the bills.

“I told everybody on the campaign trail that I’m pro-life and I’m going to be a pro-life governor,” he said.

Meanwhile, in Texas, Rick Perry is prepared to do the same.  Via the New York Times:

Gov. Rick Perry, a conservative Republican, made the bill, which the Legislature passed on Thursday, a priority and is expected to sign it. The bill requires a doctor to conduct a sonogram at least 24 hours before an abortion and to give the woman the opportunity to see the results and hear the heartbeat of the fetus. Though the woman can choose not to view the images and hear the heartbeat, the doctor must describe what the sonogram shows, including the existence of legs, arms and internal organs.

Now that they’re hopefully done legislating women’s reproductive rights away, maybe they can move on to the economy?  I heard that there are people who might still need jobs in their states.