
Iowa Governor Declares April “Abortion Recovery Month” Now That It’s Almost Over

Branstad was so excited to declare April "Abortion Recovery Month" that he waited until it was three weeks in.

It’s nine days until May, so that makes it the perfect time to declare April “Abortion Recovery Month” in Iowa, right?  So proclaims anti-choice Republican Governor Terry Branstad, who only now gets around to making his proclamation for month.

Via LifeNews:

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad declared today “Abortion Recovery Month” and, in so doing, follows governors in Texas and Minnesota who have acknowledged the myriad of ways in which abortion hurts women.

At the ceremony signing the proclamation, Branstad was joined by representatives from pro-life organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, post-abortive healing ministries, and women who have recovered from their abortions. A press conference came afterwards with comments from various individuals, including abortion survivor Melissa Ohden, and Luana Stoltenberg from the post-abortion recovery organization Operation Outcry.

It’s true that Minnesota and Texas governors both made the same proclamation last year for their states.  But at least when they did it, they didn’t wait until the end of the month to do it.